Well I'm finally back from the RE. It was a long morning. I feel so bad for R, we had to get up at 4:30 and he immediately had to drop me off a little while ago and go into work. I know he's just as tired if not more than I am of having to make the trip back and forth so much.
We transferred 3 8-cell embryos. They only had to thaw 1 straw, which means we still have 5 left for another transfer. The RE said they looked excellent and when the embryologist came in to find out how many my RE needed I could tell from the expression of his eyes that he was a little shocked we were transferring all 3. I guess that's a good thing right?
I can feel a little bit of hope creeping back in, but I'm being very cautious about it. I have to be after everything that's happened. My first beta is Dec 13. I'll be getting my Prog and Estradiol checked on Dec 6, which is something they've never done. I've also been an Aspirin regimen and on Prednisone for 5 days, so we'll see what happens.
I'll check in next week after my hormone check and let you know what's going on. I also have another therapy appointment next Monday. Thanks for all the well wishes.