Monday, December 6, 2010

Half-Time Labs

I'm hanging in there. I don't know what it is about the 2nd week of a 2ww, but it's torture to me. All I want to do is POAS, even though I know it's early, I just want to know if it worked already. Geez! So I've gotta keep busy and keep telling myself that this round is different and I need to hold out POAS until closer to beta day. It's more important for me to not stress if I get a BFN, than to try and POAS early to see if there's a BFP. I mean honestly, I've seen a BFP, I know they exist and I can get one, but I need to remember that seeing a BFP means jack squat at this point. It's that beta number that's most important. Here were my labs, they're right where they need to be, so we can't blame my hormone levels if this doesn't work.

Estradiol- 509
Progesterone- 37

Will check in periodically, because I'm going to need y'all to tell me to pee in the toilet and not on a pregnancy stick! Ugh this waiting sucks!!


  1. Yay, only 1 week left! Hope it goes quick. Wishing you lots of luck.

  2. Glad you're halfway done with the wait. Keep strong and keep that urine off those sticks!

  3. You poor thing. I'm sure you're dying to know but it sucks that you have been jaded from BFPs in the past and even have to worry about the numbers. IF really ruins all the excitement that you should be able to experience. I have everything crossed for you Melissa. Keep us posted!

  4. I agree w/ Spit..IF ruins the BFP. That's how we were during the summer..We weren't excited until after the first u/s..But I want this so much for you!! I'm glad you're halfway through..Keep up the strength..I know it's tough!!

  5. Counting down with you! And crossing everything for you!

  6. Waiting absolutely sucks. It's torture counting days and minutes. Thinking of you and really hoping this is IT for you. What a Christmas miracle that would be.

  7. Ugh, the second week of the 2ww is pure torture. I hope it goes by quickly for you. Thinking of you.

  8. You can do it!

    I won't tell you not to pee because I'm a POAS addict. Maybe I need a sponsor? :)

  9. thinking of you! stay away from the sticks!

  10. Hang in there and one day at a time!

    From: One of many in your cheering section
