Well, I almost puked while waiting in the exam room for the RE to show up. Unfortunately my normal RE had an emergency and couldn't make my appointment, but one of the other RE's filled in. I was holding my breath the whole time and he finally showed me the screen. We have one little bean with a beautiful heartbeat. Everything is still really early, but just hearing the heartbeat and having a heartbeat is a milestone in itself. I'll be going back on January 12, I'll be 8w3d then. It was an amazing experience. I'm truly blessed. My due date is August 21, 2011.
Other than being tired, peeing alot, and getting headaches on a regular basis, I'm doing just fine. We'll see what happens in the coming weeks. It's be nice to stave off M/S but I'm not betting on it. Thanks again for all your support and encouragement, it's been a long long road, and I certainly haven't reached the end. It's just nice to finally be on a different path.
Repeat: Living in a World of Last Times
16 hours ago