Things have been kind of hard the past few days. Our best "couple" friends had their baby on Monday morning. She got PG the first month off BCPs, didn't have morning sickness, or any other complications during her pregnancy. We went to take care of their dogs on Sunday night at around 11pm then went back to the hospital to wait in the visitor area for a few hours. We took them some food and then went back to our place too sleep. I got up around 8am and went back to the hospital to wait with their families. Rob joined me for a few hours too. Their baby girl was born at 11:30am and weighed 8lb 3oz and is named Cadence (Cadie for short). I had to go to the school for a few hours then I went back to the hospital and finally got the chance to go meet her. I held her for a few moments and it was so surreal. All I kept thinking was am I ever going to get to hold my own child? She was so peaceful; teeny tiny fingernails, beautiful little lips, so innocent. I left the room when they needed to check her over and I haven't spoken to them since. Rob and I have texted them and called to give our congrats and even asked if they needed any help. Our friendship I don't think will ever be the same. They have a new little one to take care of, and all of their plans will be based around her. I certainly can't blame them b/c I know that's exactly what will happen when we have kids, but it's still bittersweet. I am happy for them, but I have to admit, I cried when I got home that day. I cried because I wished with all my heart that it was Rob and I in that hospital room with our baby, not them.
I know we are getting closer, day by day, to our FET, but it's still hard to keep waiting. We have our appt on June 1, it can't get here soon enough.
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